Our University Bursary helps postal families support a young person through their university degree or equivalent course in the UK. The bursary is there to help cover student expenses so that the student can focus on their education.
How much is the bursary?
£2,000 per year for a maximum of 3 years.
An additional one-off Brian Thomson award is available for first year students of up to £600. This is to support the purchase of necessary course materials and equipment that they could otherwise not afford (e.g. laptop, medical textbooks, music software). It is awarded at the trustees’ discretion based on the information provided in the university bursary application form.
When do I apply?
Applications are open each year from May to July.
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Who can apply?
Royal Mail or Post Office employee or pensioner (including a spouse or partner) who is responsible for a child under the age of 20.
Employees must have worked for a minimum of 2 years to be eligible to apply.
Please refer to the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section below for information about how University Bursary applications are assessed by the trustees.
Reminder: To stop our emails going to your email junkbox, please ensure postalfamilyfund@royalmail.com and sec.postalfamilyfund@royalmail.com have both been added to your email safe list.
Your application will be dealt with in strict confidence. It will only be seen by members of the Postal Family Fund.
Study must be for a first degree or equivalent course. First degree normally means a bachelors or equivalent degree. An equivalent course may be a Foundation degree, HND, Diploma of Higher Education or HNC. Those studying for a masters degree will not be eligible unless their course is equivalent to a first degree, e.g. a four year undergraduate qualification. We do not fund PGCEs. If you have any questions about the eligibility of the course then please contact the secretary on sec.postalfamilyfund@royalmail.com
Trustees review each application across a number of areas, including the student’s statement, and then give a total score based on their judgement in each of these areas. It is based on the judgement of each individual Trustee. The Trustees then submit their returns to the Chairman and Secretary and a subcommittee of Trustees then meet to agree the final allocation of bursaries.
We will look at the difficulty faced by the family in supporting the young person at university or equivalent institution. The trustees will look at household income after making allowances for rent or mortgage. Any exceptional expenditure may be considered if details are provided. A family with a single parent or one where the children are being cared for by grandparents will be considered. Disability or chronic illness of a parent or parents is another factor and so is disability or chronic illness of the student or a sibling. Evidence of any difficulties encountered by the student in his or her education or upbringing will be considered as well as evidence of any volunteering or out of school activities. The student statement is very important because this gives the Trustees an insight into the motivation and achievements of the student and their hopes and ambitions.
All payments are subject to university reports confirming entry and subsequent registration/attendance and continuation of studies. A report with evidence of registration must be submitted for each of the subsequent payments: spring and autumn. By the end of January for the spring payment and by the end of September for the autumn payment. If the evidence of registration is not received by Postal Family Fund by the dates specified, then the payment will be deferred to the next payment date. If a claim is not received by Postal Family Fund by the 28th February or the 31st October for the respective spring or autumn payments, then the Trustees of Postal Family Fund reserve the right to cancel that instalment of the bursary along with any remaining bursary payments.
The Trustees can exercise their discretion. It is therefore important that the application form is fully completed, and all relevant information included, on which the Trustees will base their decision.
All the results will be sent out at approximately the same time, around the end of September each year. Results will be sent to the applicant parent or guardian given on the form.
Note: To stop our emails going to your email junkbox, please ensure postalfamilyfund@royalmail.com and sec.postalfamilyfund@royalmail.com have both been added to your email safe list.
The university bursary will be paid in two equal instalments usually during November and March. The money is paid directly into a bank account.
Payment will not apply to any placement year e.g. for work experience, for which the student receives payment if employed under a contract of employment. In such cases the award will be deferred until after the placement year has been completed and the student has returned to the university for full time study (and proof of registration has been received by Postal Family Fund). The student must write to the Trustees of Postal Family Fund not later than the 30th of April if a ‘placement year’ is to be taken at the start of or during the following academic year and authority obtained to defer the payment of any remaining element of the award.
If the course involves an academic year (or a substantial part of a year) spent outside the UK then the bursary can still be paid, but only to a UK bank account. We will require evidence that the period spent outside the UK is part of the degree course.
Bursary payments cannot be paid for previous years, or part thereof, on any course i.e. no retrospective payments prior to the date of the award.
The decision of the Trustees is final. There is no right of appeal. This bursary being a charitable gift does not form part of the applicant’s contract of employment with Royal Mail or Post Office Ltd. Postal Family Fund is an independent organisation with charitable status and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (reference 37-BEN).
Formerly known as The Post Office Orphans Benevolent Institution (POOBI), the Postal Family Fund is a charitable organisation that helps Royal Mail Group & Post Office Ltd families with children who are experiencing difficulties and are in need of a little extra support.
The charity was established in 1870 by staff from the General Post Office (a forerunner of Royal Mail Group& Post Office Ltd) to help the families of their colleagues who faced hardship as a result of death or chronic illness or disability.
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