Our Rising Stars Bursary is aimed at postal families with children (under the age of 18) where the child has a special talent or passion in the arts (art, music, performance, literature), sport or other specialist area. For example, you might need help with the associated costs such as expensive equipment (including clothing and/or instruments), travel or dedicated coaching.
How much is the bursary?
Up to £850 per child per year, capped at £1,500 per household.
When do I apply?
The application window for 2025 is now open.
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Who can apply?
Royal Mail or Post Office employee or pensioner (including a spouse or partner) who is responsible for a child under the age of 18.
Please refer to the eligibility section below.
Your application will be dealt with in strict confidence. It will only be seen by members of the Postal Family Fund.
Bursaries cannot be awarded retrospectively nor can the Trustees accept applications for courses which have already taken place.
All payments will be made to the Applicant.
Child must be accepted for a course or equivalent in the subject areas of art, music, performance, literature and sport.
Evidence of potential and/or competence will have to be provided either by a schoolteacher and/or someone who holds a recognised coaching qualification issued by the relevant regulatory body. Trustees can make an award for a contribution towards the cost of specialist equipment, or clothing subject to documentary evidence being provided.
The institution or academy running the course must be one that is recognised by the Trustees as being of appropriate quality and standing in its field.
The Trustees will require evidence of attendance and achievement.
The Postal Family Fund bursary scheme excludes those who have training contracts with a professional or semi-professional club or another organisation.
If in doubt as to the eligibility of the course, please contact us by email at postalfamilyfund@royalmail.com
Formerly known as The Post Office Orphans Benevolent Institution (POOBI), the Postal Family Fund is a charitable organisation that helps Royal Mail Group & Post Office Ltd families with children who are experiencing difficulties and are in need of a little extra support.
The charity was established in 1870 by staff from the General Post Office (a forerunner of Royal Mail Group& Post Office Ltd) to help the families of their colleagues who faced hardship as a result of death or chronic illness or disability.
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