1. The Applicant must be an employee or pensioner of Royal Mail or Post Office Ltd.
2. Serving Royal Mail (RM) or Post Office Ltd plc employees (who have parental responsibility for the young person) must have a minimum of 2 years continuous service with Royal Mail or Post office Ltd. Note: Temporary contracts that were made permanent can be included in the 2 yrs. Irregular casual or agency workers are not eligible.
3. The pensioner must be currently in receipt of a retirement or medical retirement pension or be a former employee whose employment was ceased on medical severance terms not more than two years prior to the date of application and who is unemployed and in receipt of Disability Living Allowance, PIP or equivalent state benefit.
4. The Applicant must have parental (or substantial financial and emotional) responsibility for the young person for whom the bursary/grant is sought (but does not have to be a parent with residence). The award is made to the Applicant, not the young person.
5. If the Applicant is not the parent with residence, then the consent of the person with whom the child resides (or has a residence order) must be obtained before the application is made.
6. If the young person does not reside permanently with the Applicant, then the financial information required will be that of the household in which the young person does live and any contribution made by the Applicant to the maintenance of the young person must be shown separately under “other income” on the application form.
7. Those enrolled in an apprenticeship contract with an employer and a training provider
8. The young person for whom the bursary is sought must be 21 or under at the date of application.
9. The apprenticeship bursary is awarded for the shorter of one year or the term of the apprenticeship contract. A payment of £500 will be awarded for every 6 months of the contact (in November and in March).
10. Any employer/prospective employer-provided monetary sponsorship or bursary must be declared on the form.
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